Finding a fawn alone is perfectly normal
If you would like to find out more about deer and their young then head over to the Learning Center here.
This week, I wanted to address an important upcoming event… BABY SEASON!!!! It will be here before I know it, especially with the unseasonably warm weather that we are having. Baby season is my busiest season by far and recently, that season has started earlier and lasted longer than ever. (That is a whole different…
This is the time of year when Mama Bird is teaching her fledglings how to fly, and you see them all over the ground. This past week, I received 25 calls about baby birds all in ONE DAY!! People are inquisitive, so I put together these facts to help anyone out who comes in contact…
Drum roll please… I’d like to introduce to you our newest education animals at Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc., Thelma and Louise! These two opossum sisters came to us earlier in the week from The Ohio Wildlife Center in Columbus. Their center has a program at the local Marysville prison where inmates help to raise…
In the late 80’s, my husband, Ron, and I came home from a Memorial Day camping trip. I was tired after unloading the camper, so I went upstairs for an early soak in the bathtub. After getting into my night clothes I had my mind all set for a quiet, relaxing evening. Anyone that knows…
Unless they are roaming and non-stop vocalizing for several hours, they are being cared for (Mother is not far away). PLEASE LEAVE THEM ALONE! Deer are giving birth now and I’ve been getting calls non-stop about fawns, so I want to get this message out to everyone. PLEASE SHARE. If you see a fawn in…
Rabies is a deadly virus that strikes the central nervous system of mammals and almost always results in death if not treated. The virus is spread through an infected animal’s saliva. People and pets do not have to be bitten in order to contract the disease; there only needs to be an open cut, scratch, pimple or…