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What To Do If You Find A Bunny Nest In Your Yard Or Your Dog’s Mouth!
Folks, bunny season is here and it’s in full swing! So instead of sharing a story of the past, I would like to use this time to share with you: “What To Do If You Find A Bunny Nest In Your Yard or Your Dog’s Mouth!” First and VERY IMPORTANT: When doing lawn work, please…

Pure Ignorance
Dear Friends – Something happened over the weekend that ripped my heart out and made me so mad that I was too angry to write about it until now. I have been rehabilitating wildlife for 56 years and the one thing that I can’t seem to get through to people is to NEVER leave an…

On behalf of myself, Fran Kitchen, and Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilation, Inc., I want to give a big congratulations and a welcome aboard to Nichole Thomas Quill Cottage Wildlife
Finally after more years than I can remember Summit County has another rehabilitator. She is new and is a Catagory 1 and can not get a Catagory 2 for three years. Her phone number is 330 284 6260, website at https://quillcottagewildlife.org/ I have been the only rehabilitator for Summit, Portage and Wayne County for years….

Important Information for Orphaned Wildlife
Hello Friends, Please remember, if you have an orphan or injured animal please call me directly at 330-745-2947 as I DO NOT MONITOR Facebook messages on a regular basis. For sick and injured wildlife, you can also seek out help from Metropolitan Vet Hospital 330-666-2976 Thank you! – Fran Kitchen https://www.operationorphanwildlife.com/rescue-information/

The baby Beaver that was brought into us in July (see brief history below) has grown a lot over the winter! Our photographer, Dana Giron, showed up at dinner time last week, and was able to capture him holding one of his favorite vegetables, corn on the cob🌽… which he later stashed in his house,…

OOWR will be temporarily closed until after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
OOWR will be temporarily closed until after the Thanksgiving Holiday. Somehow I have hurt my back and am unable to do much. 😩 While I am recovering, you can find other rehabilitators by visiting the Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators website.