We Are Open Again
Hello Friends! Just wanted everyone to know I am feeling much better (thank you for all the well wishes) and have re-opened.

As always, If you have an orphan or uninjured animal please call me directly at 330-745-2947 as I DO NOT MONITOR FB messages on a regular basis and I don’t want an animal in need to suffer. NOTE: I do not have an answering machine because we get so many calls that I am unable to return them so please continue to call until you reach me. Thank you! – Fran
If the animal is sick or injured, seek out help from Metropolian Vet Hosptial (free) 330-666-2976.
You can also find other rehabilitators by visiting the Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators website at: http://owra.org/ to find who is available to help you.
The warmth for baby wildlife, especially those that have not opened their eyes, can be a matter of life and death. Keeping the baby warm until you can get it to a rehabilitator is critical. One way to do this is to wrap a bottle of hot tap water in a towel or other material and set in with the babies. DO NOT USE ANYTHING THAT HAS FRINGE as it has a way of wrapping around the legs and the torsos of the animals.
For more rescue information visit the OOWR website here.