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Forever In My Mind
Back in the early 90’s, Ron and I traveled to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to release a rehabilitated baby porcupine. On our journey to the UP, we camped at a state park near Mackinaw. The park ranger saw the Operation Orphan sign on the camper and was curious, so he came over to talk…

Baby Season Has Officially Arrived!!
Early this morning, these baby squirrels (approx 9 days old) arrived at OOWR today. These babies have to get warm before they can be fed. Their nest came down in the wind. Mom took two (which means she had a bigger than normal litter); she did not return for the remaining four. – Fran Copyright…

Baby Season
This week, I wanted to address an important upcoming event… BABY SEASON!!!! It will be here before I know it, especially with the unseasonably warm weather that we are having. Baby season is my busiest season by far and recently, that season has started earlier and lasted longer than ever. (That is a whole different…

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This is the time of year when Mama Bird is teaching her fledglings how to fly, and you see them all over the ground. This past week, I received 25 calls about baby birds all in ONE DAY!! People are inquisitive, so I put together these facts to help anyone out who comes in contact…

It has been a hard couple of months but my husband has improved enough that Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation can open the doors.
Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers.