
A Squirrel’s Nest up close
This is a Squirrel’s Nest up close. There is a soft, cushioned area in the middle for the babies but the outer part is made of artfully placed sticks that are intertwined. Pretty impressive architecture. Photo taken by Dana Giron

One of a Kind
One warm fall afternoon, I went out to get the mail. As I looked down the street, I saw a little puppy running right down the center of Waterloo road. With the traffic that comes down this main road, I knew if I didn’t do something he was going to get hit by a car. …

Baby Screech Owls
These two baby Screech Owls were brought into Operation Orphan this week. They were found on a median strip and had possibly been blown from the nest in high winds during the storms we have had. Approximately five weeks old, the larger one was not in as good condition as the smaller one. Copyright 2018…

Another Thank You!
I would like to thank Cheryl Krucek for the donation of Pedialyte and Clean and Cozy Bedding made to Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation from our Amazon Smile wish list. In case anyone is interested, here’s our wish list link: Amazon: http://a.co/5CqviY4 Copyright 2018 Fran Kitchen Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization…

WOW! I am borderline speechless. Six packages were delivered today. Thank you very much Melissa Hornak, Janet Neubert, Julia Passmore. We also had a couple items delivered that did not have a names included. Thank you to everyone that has been sending items to help Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. Your donations really do make…

Bug Control
I received three bottles of Flys-Off and a bag of cracked corn over the weekend. Thank you Melissa Hornak–this is a BIG HELP! Without Flys-Off, it would be very easy to have a parasite problem. Flys-Off allows me to safely get parasites off of the mammals. Without it, the fleas would get out of control. …

Mini Hats
I was sent a boxful (17 to be exact!) of these cute mini hats that were knitted specifically for baby wildlife. The group, Cuyahoga Falls Knit and Hook, made these to be used as “nests” for the baby wildlife such as bunnies and squirrel. These are going to be WONDERFUL as baby season will be…

Introducing Jasmine!
Let me introduce you to the latest member of our pack. Jasmine is 16 weeks old and is full of energy! She will be going on some of my programs to help teach children that there is a big difference between domestic animals and wild animals. We got Jasmine from a young man that is…

Bunnies, Bunnies, and More Bunnies!
That’s what it is like here at Operation Orphan these days. Add some opossum and 25 baby squirrels that just came in this week. Did I mention that they all need to be handfed? Yes, folks, baby season is NOT over yet! With no time to write a TBT this week, I want to repost…

Why The Parks Say “NO”
When it comes to parks, there are some important rules to follow. Many people don’t like to follow these rules; many times it’s because it is unclear to them why these rules exist. Or maybe they don’t even know these rules exist! Here are a couple of important rules that parks have in place to…

All Tied Up
Every day, I am reminded of the harshness of nature and what our wildlife has to endure to survive. Today’s story will give you a glimpse into their world. It was around 10:00 pm last summer when the phone rang and on the other end of the phone was a very distraught woman. In the…

Stealing Not Allowed!
It was the early 1990’s when a call came in about a baby porcupine. The woman that called had taken it from a neighbor who stole it from the mother in Canada. We have the Lacy Act which is an Act of Congress. In that Act, one of the laws states that it is a…

Not Fun!! Please Read and Share
For those who know me or have followed me through the years, you know that I am big on education, especially as it pertains to learning how to co-habitate with wildlife. Sometimes the education that I give may seem harsh but needs to be said, as in the case of today’s post. My job is…

Do Not Bother The Fawns!
Unless they are roaming and non-stop vocalizing for several hours, they are being cared for (Mother is not far away). PLEASE LEAVE THEM ALONE! Deer are giving birth now and I’ve been getting calls non-stop about fawns, so I want to get this message out to everyone. PLEASE SHARE. If you see a fawn in…

Turtles On The Move…And Laying Eggs
If you see a turtle crossing the road and decide to help, you need to put it to the side of the road it is going to, not coming from. This is the time of year that they are on the move because they are looking for a place to lay eggs. I’ve a call…

Baby Birds
This is the time of year when Mama Bird is teaching her fledglings how to fly, and you see them all over the ground. This past week, I received 25 calls about baby birds all in ONE DAY!! People are inquisitive, so I put together these facts to help anyone out who comes in contact…

Rabies: What Do You Know?
Rabies is a deadly virus that strikes the central nervous system of mammals and almost always results in death if not treated. The virus is spread through an infected animal’s saliva. People and pets do not have to be bitten in order to contract the disease; there only needs to be an open cut, scratch, pimple or…

Introducing “Mighty Moe”!
He may be little, but he is mighty! Earlier this year we received a Screech Owl that had been hit by a car, suffering head trauma and severe damage to his left eye. He spent several days at Dr. Riggs’ Vet Clinic and once he was stable, came back with me for continued care and…