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With Easter on its way and many people looking at buying baby bunnies and ducks as gifts, we are reposting a reminder: PLEASE DON’T DON’T BUY THEM! Read Fran Kitchen’s original post…
With Easter on its way and many people looking at buying baby bunnies and ducks as gifts, we are reposting a reminder: PLEASE DON’T DON’T BUY THEM!

Attention Teachers! THINK before hatching eggs in the classroom!
ATTN TEACHERS: BEFORE you decide to purchase eggs for the purpose of hatching them in the classroom, PLEASE know what you are going to do with them once they hatch and get too big for your classroom. They do not belong in the city limits and they are not a pet for a child that…

Is It a Duck Owl?
It was Easter Sunday when the call came in about two baby Great Horned Owls. One baby was injured, but the other seemed all right. The woman who called said she had watched for several hours to see if a mother came in to care for the young and it was clear that no parent…

Introducing “Mighty Moe”!
He may be little, but he is mighty! Earlier this year we received a Screech Owl that had been hit by a car, suffering head trauma and severe damage to his left eye. He spent several days at Dr. Riggs’ Vet Clinic and once he was stable, came back with me for continued care and…

Operation Orphan will be closed from June 10th thru June 15th for Educational Programs
During my absence, you can find other rehabilitators by visiting the Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators website at: http://owra.org/ to find someone who can help you. If the animal is injured, you can also seek out help from Metropolitan Vet Hospital for sick and injured wildlife. https://www.metropolitanvet.com/. Educating the public about wildlife is an important part of…

The two ducklings in the photo below were brought to me after they were found behind a motel where someone had recently dumped them. They were no more than a week old and would have died of hypothermia had they not been found. Normally I would not take a domestic animal, but the people who…