If you see a fawn in your yard, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU APPROACH IT OR TOUCH IT. It is not an orphan unless it has been roaming for 6 to 8 hours and constantly crying. Mothers place their fawns in places they feel are safe. At times, that can mean your flower bed or right up against your house.
For the first month of its life, the fawn has no odor. A coyote can pass within inches of a fawn and never notice – that is unless you have touched it or trampled around it, then the coyote may find it rather easily. Mom will not be very far away and will likely see you even though you will not see her. If she catches scent of you or any predator, she leaves so as to not attract anything to her fawn. If she were to stay close, a predator would be drawn in and the fawn’s cover would be blown. At about a month old, the fawn will start to follow Mom. Best thing for you to do is to sit back and enjoy the gift.
There are some things you should be aware of when it comes to deer:
- Baby season for deer normally starts around May & June. If you see a fawn DO NOT APPROACH IT OR TOUCH IT. A doe will deliver her young, and as soon as it can get up on its feet she will move it to a new location. That spot could be in your yard, against your house, in your flower bed. Mom places it where SHE feels is a safe area.
- A fawn has hardly any odor and a coyote can actually walk inches away from it and never notice it. If a fawn feels danger it will curl up cat-like, nose-to-rump, ears down and it will not move. Mom will move away from her baby if she catches scent of a human or predator. This is to protect it.
- A fawn will begin following Mom around when it is approximately one month old.
- A big indicator that a fawn is in trouble is if the fawn is roaming around and constantly crying for 6, 7, or 8 hours. IF THAT IS NOT HAPPENING, THE FAWN IS NOT IN TROUBLE. LEAVE IT ALONE. If you touch it, your scent is now on it and it becomes visible to predators.
If you would like to see many of these animals up close, please consider booking one of our Wildlife Programs or Displays that are reasonably priced and perfect for Organizations | Schools | Churches | Campgrounds | Nursing Homes | Fundraisers | Displays at Events. All money generated from the programs & displays goes right back into the care of the wildlife.
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Copyright 2017 Fran Kitchen
Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and does not receive federal funding. We are supported entirely through private donations, memberships, and proceeds from our education programs. Click here to donate.