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Bunnies, Bunnies, and More Bunnies!
That’s what it is like here at Operation Orphan these days. Add some opossum and 25 baby squirrels that just came in this week. Did I mention that they all need to be handfed? Yes, folks, baby season is NOT over yet! With no time to write a TBT this week, I want to repost…

WOW! I am borderline speechless. Six packages were delivered today. Thank you very much Melissa Hornak, Janet Neubert, Julia Passmore. We also had a couple items delivered that did not have a names included. Thank you to everyone that has been sending items to help Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc. Your donations really do make…

Important Information for Orphaned Wildlife
Hello Friends, Please remember, if you have an orphan or injured animal please call me directly at 330-745-2947 as I DO NOT MONITOR Facebook messages on a regular basis. For sick and injured wildlife, you can also seek out help from Metropolitan Vet Hospital 330-666-2976 Thank you! – Fran Kitchen

Forever In My Mind
Back in the early 90’s, Ron and I traveled to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to release a rehabilitated baby porcupine. On our journey to the UP, we camped at a state park near Mackinaw. The park ranger saw the Operation Orphan sign on the camper and was curious, so he came over to talk…

Is It a Duck Owl?
It was Easter Sunday when the call came in about two baby Great Horned Owls. One baby was injured, but the other seemed all right. The woman who called said she had watched for several hours to see if a mother came in to care for the young and it was clear that no parent…

Introducing Jasmine!
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