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Would you be willing to help by giving a donation?
Dear Friends, Believe it or not, as of Nov. 1st we are STILL getting babies needing hand fed into the facility! These babies will not be released until Spring because mom would help them get thru the winter. Fall Squirrel babies would not have time to do a winter stash of food. This means our…

Baby Season
This week, I wanted to address an important upcoming event… BABY SEASON!!!! It will be here before I know it, especially with the unseasonably warm weather that we are having. Baby season is my busiest season by far and recently, that season has started earlier and lasted longer than ever. (That is a whole different…

Important Information for Orphaned Wildlife
Hello Friends, Please remember, if you have an orphan or injured animal please call me directly at 330-745-2947 as I DO NOT MONITOR Facebook messages on a regular basis. For sick and injured wildlife, you can also seek out help from Metropolitan Vet Hospital 330-666-2976 Thank you! – Fran Kitchen https://www.operationorphanwildlife.com/rescue-information/

To everyone that has supported Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation in any way I want to say a big THANK YOU. My work could not go on without your support.
I’d like to share a few updates and some of our needs as the year moves ahead. BIRDS: We are now taking birds once again. Because of Avain Influenza we were not able to take in birds during 2022 and up until October of 2023. My facility is on a city lot and we simply…

OOWR will be temporarily closed until after the Thanksgiving Holiday.
OOWR will be temporarily closed until after the Thanksgiving Holiday. Somehow I have hurt my back and am unable to do much. 😩 While I am recovering, you can find other rehabilitators by visiting the Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators website.