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Things Done Wrong
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again: 85% of the baby animals picked up ARE NOT ORPHANED and should have been LEFT ALONE. Mom usually is not far away. Below are some of the most common things that people DO WRONG when they find an animal and what’s THE RIGHT thing…

Many summers ago, I had baby hummingbirds brought to me for the very first time. We had just had a storm that was so bad that it shut down the power at the Akron/Canton Airport, and it also caused two baby hummingbirds to be orphaned. Shortly after the storm was over, I got the call…

Pure Ignorance
Dear Friends – Something happened over the weekend that ripped my heart out and made me so mad that I was too angry to write about it until now. I have been rehabilitating wildlife for 56 years and the one thing that I can’t seem to get through to people is to NEVER leave an…

Introducing “Mighty Moe”!
He may be little, but he is mighty! Earlier this year we received a Screech Owl that had been hit by a car, suffering head trauma and severe damage to his left eye. He spent several days at Dr. Riggs’ Vet Clinic and once he was stable, came back with me for continued care and…

What to do if a bird hits a window – please share!
For more interesting bird facts visit the resource center here.