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We Are Open Again
Hello Friends! Just wanted everyone to know I am feeling much better (thank you for all the well wishes) and have re-opened. As always, If you have an orphan or uninjured animal please call me directly at 330-745-2947 as I DO NOT MONITOR FB messages on a regular basis and I don’t want an animal…

Donations Help More Than You Know
My days normally begin between 4:00 and 4:30 a.m. My routine is to put the dogs out, get my first cup of coffee (if it is baby season I feed babies as I drink my first cup of coffee) and then let the dogs back in the house. I like, when able, to take that…

Fran is Alive and Well!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! Fran is alive and well and still caring for wildlife!! Apparently there are rumors going around that she is retired, dying of cancer and quit rehabbing. NOT TRUE!! In true is that she has been very busy caring for all the injured and sick animals that come into the facility during the winter…

Yippee More Presents!
On behalf of Operation Orphan Wildlife Rehabilitation, Inc., I would like to thank Kimberly Boone for her recent purchase of Pedialyte from Amazon Smile. The four bottles of Electrolyte Solution arrived today. Often the babies are dehydrated when brought into the facility, so this will definitely get used! Donations do make a difference. Thank you…

Little Fighter
Back in the early 70’s, I received a call from my sister-in-law, Sandy who was at work in a factory located in Barberton. They found a baby bird and was afraid it wouldn’t make it until the workday ended without any help. I was on the case! I immediately drove to the factory thinking that…

Forever In My Mind
Back in the early 90’s, Ron and I traveled to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to release a rehabilitated baby porcupine. On our journey to the UP, we camped at a state park near Mackinaw. The park ranger saw the Operation Orphan sign on the camper and was curious, so he came over to talk…